
All of Orna International’s background and due diligence checks are carried out by, or under the close supervision of, our Australian office. If it is necessary to sub-contract any part of the process, we only use agents known to us for several years and who are completely trustworthy. We monitor any sub-contracted work very carefully.

Orna International’s Australian staff are all specially selected and trained for this work. We screen our own employees very closely and impose a strict Code of Conduct on them. Every case has a Case Manager assigned to it and, they may be contacted at any time during our extended business hours.

In many cases, educational establishments or other information providers, charge a fee for their services. Orna International never value adds on secondary providers’ fees. What we pay, is what you pay.

Criminal Record:

Orna International can provide details of cases heard in the Senior Magistrates, High, Supreme and Appeals Courts, including names of defendants and outcome of trial. It will facilitate subject identification if an accurate name and date of birth are supplied.

Driving Record:

Only available where a civil or criminal court case has occurred as a result of a driving related matter.

Civil Record/Bankruptcy:

Orna International has access to comprehensive records of civil court findings in the Courts of Uganda.


Orna International has contacts in Uganda which enable us to verify addresses in all but the very rural areas.

Corporate Data:

Orna International will confirm the officers and shareholders of all Ugandan registered companies, whether still trading or not. A vast amount of information is obtainable from corporate records. All such information is from lawfully accessible records, however application must be made in writing and results may take several weeks to obtain.

Previous Employments:

Orna International has a database compiled over many years, of common employers in Uganda. Our contacts and multi-lingual staff enable us to provide you with prompt reference checks. We train our staff to take an investigative approach to reference checking and do not just tick boxes. Orna International looks for the information behind a reference check. We have frequently discovered facts important to a prospective employer, which other providers would not think to ask for.


Orna International has built up a large database of contacts with educational establishments and can obtain accurate, reliable confirmation of qualifications and attendance as far back as High School if required.

Professional Memberships:

Orna International has extensive contacts within all of the main professional bodies in Uganda. We will provide accurate and reliable information about a candidate’s professional standing.

Disciplinary Record:

Many of the candidates Orna International screens are employed in a regulated position, such as within the financial service industry. We will discover any disciplinary record the candidate may have. For non-regulated applicants we will speak to line managers and former colleagues, so you know the character of the person you are hiring, not just their qualifications.

Identity Checks/Right To Work:

Orna International can verify the validity of a Ugandan passport.

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