Health Industry

Do you conduct proper background checks on your employees? Having worked and experienced the Health Industry for more than 20 years as a frontline manager, and worked as a consultant to WAPHA during their original scoping projects, having experience within the Health Department of WA Support Services - Our team understands the landscape better than any other.

Pre-employment screening, and yearly screening of your staff is a risk you probably aren't paying enough attention to. Is your process of identification of your prospective staff member adequate? Is your background AFP check or Working with Children check adequate? Have you considered the exposure your staff have to money, drugs, and personal data?

Most government departments insist on a Criminal Record Check (CRC) - generally this will take the form of an AFP check as standard procedure. However, have you verified that the person applying for the check is the person you are employing? If they have certifications, have you checked that these are authentic? Do you have time to do a thorough reference check or social media search?  Have you considered the risk to your organisation if this is not done correctly? With your HR department already pushed to their limits, shortcuts happen. It’s the nature of any industry - particularly one with a skills shortage. Would your Board of Directors be satisfied if a data breach or financial fraud were to occur and nothing more than a cursory check had been done?

By utilising experts like us, we can get your staff verified with confidence - Worldwide.

Support staff of any healthcare industry are a particular point of vulnerability. For professionals, of course we can check if they are registered with AHPRA, and we can see if they have had any previous concerns (not current). However, what about all the non-professional or non-registered people working within your practice? Do you conduct adequate checks on these people? Have you really covered your bases if a data leak were to occur? Have you done enough to protect your patient’s data? Do you keep an eye on employees social media presence? In a time-poor environment, your HR departments, or management staff have their hands full enough with day-to-day requirements, let alone on-boarding of new staff.

Contact our experienced specialists for a confidential discussion.

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